Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gimme gimme more!

It's Jo Ellie, bitch! Since Brittney made a come-back, I figured I would as well.

Time to dust this blog off and start spreading the word... the word of shocker khan.

You're probably wondering what I've been doing for the past two years... It's ok, I wonder too.

The biggest change is I had a mini Jo. That's right, there's two Shocker Khans in the world.

I'm teaching her all of the important things about life. Take a gander at this pic and notice she's already learned her first obscene gesture. We're half way there to a full on shocker.

As a parent I promise to never have my child interrupt your dinner or get in your way at the grocery store. I know how much you hate a baby crying when you're trying to eat your chicken crispers!

Having a baby has been the most amazing experience. Maddie has taught me patience, kindness, and love. Stay tuned for my martini-less adventures in parenting. Find out what happens when your baby shits in public and how throw up is the new sexy.


Anonymous said...

This post would be better if you were wearing a too-tight bikini and horrible extensions.

Oh, what the hell...I'll take my Shocker Khan anyway I can get it! :-)

Anonymous said...

The return of Shocker Khan is a gift to humanity. Probably will help sort out the middle east. Of course, getting rid of the Jews would be a good start. Oh wait...you're not...oh god.

It's so weird, I didn't even know one could get pregnant from the Shocker!?

Maddie looks pretty cute giving the finger. She'd be a bit cuter if she was in a Bass Pro hat though.

Yeah, in my experience shitting oneself in public is rarely welcomed, baby or not. Sigh. If throw up is the new sexy, then count me in for bringing sexy back. I can vomit with the best of them.


Tanya said...

Yay! I am so happy to see that you are back.
Now I have yet another way to waste time at work while pretending I am totally on top of my work flow.